Safety Culture Development

The +people® Programme is a safety culture development programme created by Setters which has improved the safety performance of many national and international organisations often operating in high risk environments. Many of our customers approach us because although they have significantly reduced the number of accidents and incidents occurring, they are not consistently achieving zero harm.

Making Choices

This is because excellent safety systems, standards, processes, procedures and training must be underpinned by the positive choices and behaviours of the people using them; as the critical path in nearly all accidents is the choices that people make.

The +people® Programme helps our customers achieve zero harm through growing their understanding of how to make better choices, inspiring them to make those choices and how they can influence others to do the same.


The +people® Programme enables our customers to have a proactive safety culture. Many safety initiatives are often focussed on managing people’s behaviour through concentrating on the consequences of that behaviour. This, by definition, is reactive, meaning that someone has to be put at risk, or injured, before we can begin to learn why.


Co-design is a key feature of our approach. We’ll ensure we understand the safety culture throughout your organisation from the beginning of our relationship as this is key to delivering sustainable safety performance improvement.


The +people® Programme is delivered in a phased approach with defined outcomes and deliverables providing each phase with a distinct focus.

This approach allows our clients to target and pace delivery in relation to their requirements, needs, risk profile and logistical and economic realities.


  • Clearly evidenced process assurance including Nationally and Internationally recognized accreditation via the European Qualifications Framework.
  • Integration and application through to the point of risk and setting people to work
  • Clear leadership vision, direction and support
  • Clear and progressive performance criteria, associated indicators and return on investment
  • Embedded coaching competence, confidence and capability at all levels of the organization, through common communication currencies for sustainability and growth


Engage and involve everyone at all levels to achieve a collective and motivated drive towards zero harm

Help people understand personal choice and inspire them to make better choices in relation to improved safety performance.

Enable individuals and teams to significantly improve their safety culture and overall performance by

  • Ensuring Supervision has the competence and confidence to put people to work safely using coaching principals and skills.
  • Ensuring Leaders understand their role and contribution towards supporting a positive safety culture through visibility and direction.
  • Developing Coaches in order to enable them to contribute to the development of a proactive safety culture and sustainable safety performance improvement.

Identify the links between excellent safety performance and overall business excellence. Create excellent channels of communications throughout the organisation enabling all aspects of potential performance improvement to be recognised.