What We Do

We specialise in coaching safety performance improvement and culture development focused on risk and reward. Many of our customers, often operating in high risk industries, approach us because although they have significantly reduced the number of accidents and incidents occurring, they are not consistently achieving zero harm. What we do reflects our belief that real safety performance improvement is a balance of systems plus people.

It’s About Your People

Excellent safety systems, standards, processes and procedures must be underpinned by the positive choices and behaviours of the people using them. We can help your people not only understand the choices they make in the working environment but also the people around them in their teams. Our delivery team will inspire them to make better choices going forward which significantly improves the safety culture within your organisation and overall business performance.

Working In Partnership

To ensure successful outcomes we’ll take an insight into your organisation to fully understand your challenges and opportunities, putting your needs at the centre of all we do. Co-design is a key feature of our approach. We’ll ensure we understand the safety culture throughout your organisation from the beginning of our relationship as this is key to delivering sustainable safety performance improvement.

Our Delivery Team

All our products are delivered by highly qualified safety coaches who are experienced in working successfully and empathically with your people throughout your organisation. All of them are capable of delivering engaging, entertaining and stimulating events that will inspire your people and significantly change their safety behaviour.

All our products are delivered by highly qualified safety coaches who are experienced in working successfully and empathically with your people throughout your organisation.

Setters’ safety coaches have broad sector experience between them in a variety of industries having undertaking key roles in safety management. Their specific experiences allied to knowledge of the latest technical and regulatory insight allows for a sympathetic and flexible approach set against the backdrop your people may currently be working within.